

The Eyes of my dream
Whenever i look into those eyes I just get lost into them those big black eyes ,it's like they want to tell me something but what, I never understand. Every night they show up in my dream I don't for how long they keep staring at me and suddenly they dissappear.

Hello everyone my name is Tara which means star ,those stars which we can only able see in nights just like them I also feel like alive in night than day time. I don't know why from my childhood I am always energetic in nights than days may be because in day time there is so many works to which make me tired but in night time I can rest as much as I want. Well it's know to everyone that night is the time to take rest and sleep ,at first I also think like that but as the days passed I feel something different ,something which only I can feel a strange feeling like I love to stay in drak it's give me peace and I feel very comfortable ,at days time I feel weak like someone takes my all energy from me but in night I am full of energy ,may be these things are normal to you I also used to think like that, and always avoid these things thinking that I am over reacting ,my parents and my friends I told them about these things what I feel but they don't give it much attention as they always told me I am over thinking there is nothing like I should take some rest but in reality it's more complicated and important for me than they think. I would believe them but my feelings and those eyes which appears every time in my dream is saying something else something that I have to know.

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