

I don't understand
I don't understand if the greatest gift God gave us is love then WHY does it hurt so much. Everything someone hurt me crushed me I mean really took my heart my soul my spirit and shattered what was already shattered in me. They all said the loved me before they did it.
So I made this ice fortress around my heart. Lied to myself and said I didn't need someone to love me I loved myself. That was good enough.
Truth be told I was so empty inside I wanted to end this life and pray my next life should be better than this one. I remember being at the point where I thought nobody was gonna miss me ;I grew up and realized that everyone that I thought cared about me loved me really didn't give 2 suds in a bucket for me.
All they wanted was for me to fix what was broken inside them something someone else broke. I did and they were gone.
As far back as I can remember I was able to look at someone and see what was broken inside them and like a light bulb going on I knew what it requires to fix them. I was able to guide someone through the darkness mend what needed mending at what cost just a part of myself.
I don't understand what it was about these ppl that ignited me to fix them to pull them off the ledge and replace them with myself. I don't understand I'll never understand