

Chapter 1 : Return of the Samurai
Chapter 1: Origin/Year 2050

When do we finally say now is the time? Now is the time for justice and now is the time to make all the wrongs that have been done right. In this life a series of events can shape who we are and what we become. It is only through trial, hardship and pain that one eventually sees the light. One such light would correct the course of history for generations. A system would be established globally that would bring us back to the natural order. Nobility, Justice, honor, strength, peace and morality. All aspects that we have lacked for hundreds years and has led to the downfall of life as we've known it since the "modern" world was established. So-called peace and technology had left us comfortable. A world system for thousands of years based on a warrior culture, ingenuity, integrity and honor was soon cast aside following advances in technology that led us to a place where we were in need a very little, at least on the surface but in truth, we were lacking in everything that matters.

Our generations had lost touch with nature with the cycles of the Sun and the Moon, the movements of the Stars in the world all around us. We lost touch with where our food came from and a connection to the earth and its soil. We also lost touch with the Ancient arts of Alchemy, spirituality and warfare. This automated world we lived in collapsed because we became so dependent on it and all of its so-called advances. We spent more time in computer and tablet screens interacting with these machines more than with our own flesh and blood. On top of this our populations skyrocketed, and with these billions of people came megacities. Billions and billions of people packed in on top of each other in close proximity like a beehive or a giant termite colony. This factors as well as other mysterious circumstances led to multiple viruses being spread throughout the globe very quickly and world population of 9 billion soon lost at least a third of it's total population. This was the Covid-19 scare in the year 2020 just one thousand times worse. An actual count is impossible to gather at this point. Following the deaths from the viruses came panic, starvation then anarchy. Hope has been lost in our systems of government and martial law has been declared globally. Resources are stretched thin and governments are acting only minimally to stop violence, riots and purging.

The New Global Government basically does nothing more but keep the minimum systems of government going and supply lines open, as well as access to all of the resources that the people need. The world has become a totalitarian state. The 1% rule with an iron fist and distribute the world's resources at a trickle just enough to keep the people hungry and dependent. And with what's left over, less than noble men have taken control of corners and pockets not only in what was once the United States but in every part of the world. Thieves, bandits, gangsters and criminals rule the streets. It's every man for himself.

Order from Chaos. There must be some kind of order. The powers-that-be have now and always have wanted to control the people. To control the banking, to control the food production, to control what you learn, what you think, hear. The Victor's, the richest 1% have always rewritten history to fit their own narrative. This pyramid system, this pyramid scheme that we have lived under for far too long has utterly failed us. It's time for a system where loyalty, honor, and brotherhood mean more then profits. Where family, blood and true love rule the day. The people all yearned for it deep down they needed someone to protect them. They were waiting for a leader to step up, right everything that has been wronged. A hero. The world was ready for a leader.

© Figuro