

In the Late Autumn
Story: "In the Late Autumn"

It was a late autumn morning in a small village by the river Ganges. The fresh dewdrops on the tender grass glistened under the first rays of the sun. On such a day, Amit, a young man from the village, went out for a solitary walk. His mind was restless. He had come to the village, taking a break from the bustling city life, seeking peace.Amit walked into a nearby garden. The white clouds floated across the sky, uplifting his spirits. As he wandered, he came across a tree in a corner of the garden. The tree stood tall, adorned with white flowers, and its sweet fragrance filled the air.Amit was mesmerized by the tree. He approached it and said, “Why are you so beautiful?” The tree seemed to smile and replied, “I am the queen of autumn. My beauty is meant to enchant you.”Amit was a bit taken aback but thought to himself, "Every element of nature is full of its own beauty and qualities. It doesn’t need to be unique to be enchanting."Sitting alone in the garden, Amit listened to the birds singing in the cool breeze. The silence and beauty of nature brought him a strange sense of peace. He realized that within this tranquility and beauty of nature, a profound philosophy was hidden.After a while, Amit noticed the sunlight gradually fading and understood that evening was approaching. He needed to return because it was time to go back to the city. The responsibilities and busy life of the city awaited him, but these few moments spent in the midst of nature had brought him peace.Bidding farewell to the queen of autumn, the tree, Amit thought, "This deep philosophy of nature's beauty and enchantment has given me peace. Even amidst the responsibilities and inner conflicts of real life, nature can bring us stability and tranquility."Amit walked back towards the village, carrying the memories of that late autumn morning and the enchantment of the tree. His mind was at peace because he had understood the essence of nature's beauty and its profound philosophy.

The End.

Based on Bengali poetry
