

short story ..

Had you ever look at something so beautiful I had ..I dont know her name but I come every night, just to look at her asleep.So peacefully i may assume she is by the way she looks and the way she lays ..clear certain that you can look threw the outside tells me she ain't scared of the dark ..

Amazing beautiful skin that glows while she is a sleep and half cover not fully showing her soft skin that she has. Looking at her face remind me of a lost angel ..

Beautifully amazing is like looking at a shooting star ...

I dont know her story or who she is but every time I come is always the same position and the same way everything some times I wonder what she dreams about or who?

Is she's happy or not?

Taken or not?

lost or not?

I really dont know ...but this time i came is different she slept with a rose near her that new i never seen that...