

Krishna & me - A conversation: Part - XI
Me - Krishna, karma gives fruits of every deed? Rewards for good deeds & punishment for bad deeds?

Krishna - Yes, my dear.

Me - Then why does it take so long to reward the good and punish the bad.

Krishna - It doesn't happen always,  just like it takes  one year for banana tree to bear fruits whereas it takes 8 years for cherry tree to bear fruits, in the same way for some deeds it's possible to get instant karma whereas for some it takes longer duration of time.

Me - Ok I agree with this, but why does it happens that criminals and bad people don't get punishment and are set free most of the time.

Krishna - (Smiles) They might be able to get free from the legal punishment but they can't escape from karna. Bad people never get peace in their lives and they always have to suffer for their bad deeds.

Me - But why do you let good people suffer

Krishna - My dear, nobody can be completely sin free , every living being have to commit atleast one sin to be able to survive. Moreover, suffering are not always concequences of one's action, sometimes it just a test to prove one's goodness.

© 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥

P. S. - if you have suggestions for next chapter please drop it in comment box.