

Challenge by Abhi..
1. Do u get upset when people call Japanese animation cartoons?

Ans) yes a bit because it's different from cartoons. 🙂

2. do u commonly use words like Nani and baka even though you can't speak Japanese ?

Ans) Yup, but mostly @AnimeLover uses these on me. 😒

3. have you learned all the Japanese you know from watching 👀 anime ?

Ans) Nope , but ya few things I can.

4. can you name three or more Japanese anime companies ?

Ans) actually I don't know much about it. 😅

5. have you ever participated in anime related table top Rpc session ?

Ans) not yet. 😆

6. do you know 😏 what a fanboy is ?

Ans) yup😁

7. have u ever sat and watched anime for ten or more hours straight 🤔 ?

Ans) nope but recently I completed an anime which I watched for 3 hours straight.

8. have you ever seen sailor moon 🌙 ?

Ans) haven't watched it yet but kinda know about it☺.

9. have u ever watched bungo no stray dog's ?

Ans) Nope, I once read about it, will try to watch it soon. 😛

10. have u ever seen attack on titans ?

Ans) i did not watch full but saw some clips of it.

11. have u ever created an anime music video ?

Ans) Nope. 😆

12. have u ever cosplayed ?

Ans) Nope.

13. do u even know what "seiyuu "means 🤔 ?

Ans) yup of course 😁

14. last question 6 pictures 📷 are given u have to name them the 6 pictures ?

Ans) 1) Bungo stray dogs
2) Requiem of the rose king
3) pandora hearts
4) Idk
5) The Royal tutor
6) idk

Done @abhi45 😁