

Friend with Trend
A relationship....,
One fine day,I started browsing Facebook and checking the friend requests.I don't know which I accept his request that may bond each other in future.Then slowly we chat and knowing together then we shocked that we have common friends in our lives.But slowly I ignore Facebook and started using Instagram.Then one day I checked my inbox in FB then he asked why you should seen rarely in FB then I said I'm not interested in FB so let's chat in Instagram.Time will running then we knowing the hobbies,here is the so craziest thing we have same hobby i.e..,WRITING.when I read his write-ups that was makes me thinking.It was still running....
so what I'm said that,now a days; so many people using social media for flirting girls or some other purpose but he not like that such a cool and nice.I'm glad to having you as a friend.
Tq and Happy Friendship day in advance😊

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