

Your Words! Saved This Boy

"Silence can't be confused or mistaken for what it's not!

Silence in decision making hours is consent to evil most times"
I said to myself

In this hot day of February 1994 about 2pm in a major route called 'Dumez City' in the place which once flagged the title:"3rd largest steel plant on Earth"

A very terrible yet mysterious accident had just occurred though; the scene was like a heavy cement truck like that of Dangote have ran over power bicycle. Nothing was left of that vehicle, which can't be identified now cos it's remains where scattered all over the express.

I was shock to be informed that their wasn't any head to head collision; that Sunday was a very mysterious one as a vehicle got demaged beyond repair yet nothing had touched that vehicle so I will call it ' a self collisioned' accident; A vehicle versus it's own self.

But what really happened?🤔

In this state of pillar to post, those in the vehicle were trying to run out since fuel had covered that road as water covers the sea .

Yet a woman heavily pregnant for about 6month already who was a passager of this same vehicle had now become not just the foot rest but carpet grass which this escaping crowd troud to the group like a rose 🌹 which had lost it value & worth.

As the pregnant woman took noticed that that day was her end in the land of the living! Then came this thundering voice:

" Are people alright?

How can you turn a heavily pregnant woman to a foot mat and walk on her like that?

Will vanishe and get another route to pass?"

While this voice thunder there was immediate response as the speaker pushed her way through to pick up this dying & helpless woman (Mrs Eze C. U) on the ground.

Mummy LARONK was the own of one of the first; if not the first hospital in the whole of AJAOKUTA city. A trained Nurse who knew are job, she had always been on time for that; she took the woman & attended unto her.

Later on, as my mother vividly & detailedly told me the story of my life only three months unto arrival to Earth.

She said: " I never even thought! I would survive that scenario not to talk off giving birth to you (my son)but thanks to Christ Jesus who used Mrs. LARONK to come for my rescue."

Like that was not enough she continued: " At the hospital during birth the Doctors' claimed that you had escape death by just 1 minute
cos a cord which meant to strangle you to death from the womb was cut off immediately you were born

so I named ONYEKACHI meaning Who is greater than God? Only God kept you so a figure higher than God was the only option to take you to land death of the dead but nobody was, is & will be greater than Christ Jesus who had kept you till now my dear son."

History is indeed the catalyst to arrive at destiny. I had a change of mind set from that day that the only thing that can end my life untimely must be greater than God

Yet God had given out His greatest asset which is Jesus Christ to redeem my commitment for life unto Him so no devil is too devil enough to tamper with my life!

Also, I became entirely grateful to that woman whose words saved my mother's life and I became saved also.

Dear Mummy LARONK, I am the one who your words saved 29 years and 4months ago.

"Your Words! Saved this Boy!" is my living tribute to you as you clock 65years today. Thanks

In addition; why don't you say:" Yes" to the offer from salvation through the already paid price by Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary over 2000 years ago! So your life can't be touched
by a devil no matter how devily that devil is. Thanks

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