

(Chapter Six)

I cannot just believe what is happening.  I was so happy when he opened the doors of club for me.

That moment almost makes me thing that I have succeeded but then contrary to the present what I am doing is cleaning and setting the ring right after every match and the worst part is I have to sit down here out side the ring and to wait for them to finish their match and this is pissing me hard.

Now that I think " may be he does hate me alot to make do this or may be he is just making fun of me because I was the one who makes him my teacher. "

I was so in my thoughts that I didn't realise that the match is already over and the part is where my so called teacher was calling me is the worst. I just humiliated my self.

Thanks to God that was the last fight and I am on my way to home but the thought of he is making fun of me is not leaving me anytime soon.

Why would he do that? I mean I am actually working hard but does that matter to him ? I asked my self .

I cannot just leave this matter behind I will go and solve this matter with my sister.

With that i speed my self a bit so that I can reach home before she fall asleep.

                       ( In Home )

So, ?????
I asked my sister about "the old man".
And she is looking at me beyond angry with straight eyes and tight fist.

She took one step towards me.I stand still.
She took another one and another one and done.


"What the heck ? Sister stop it .why are you punching me?"
I shouted at her while blocking her punches.

I literally screamed this time realizing she is not even listening to me.

"Then why aren't you fighting back."
she asked me trying to aim punches at my face.

you want me to fight back?" I ask her totally shocked. She has gone insane I never thought of this kind of reaction at that kind of matter.

Why aren't you fight back ?.
I thought that you will do everything to be a boxer .
NOW NOW .what happened with your words.?. " she asked me with anger dripping from her every word.
"You will see sister .i will become a lagendary boxer!".
She exclaimed. Repeating my words at my face but this was not it.

"what happened now? Is it that much hard that it makes you betray your words, is it that much hard that you think betraying your self will be easy."
she said now standing right in front of me eyes fill with tears. Her fist tighten. She look up at me and then to the ground .

Punch !!!!

She punched me on my face that hard that I lost my balance and with a loud thud met floor.

I look up at her beyond angry. "Fight Back you coward "she said pointing a finger towards me .


I told her and stand on my feet .I take my stance and with all the power and all the tricks and moves i learn in these years show all to her.

But she surprises me by matching my skills or shall I say beating my skills.

In an instant with her left leg she dragged me down and jump on me dodging my punches she slaps me hard .

After she slaps me both of us stop fighting. I was holding my cheek ready to say everything when I feel liquid on my hand.

I look up at my sister only to find that she is the one who is crying after all of this shit.

I stand on my feet and said
" what the hell? I am the one who have right to cry"
Looking at her.

But she didn't respond.

I called her politely she looks at me with her wet eyes and open her mouth.

"I asked mother and father years ago .before you told everyone you wanted to be a boxer ." She rubbed her eyes but tears are coming again and again frequently.

"I told them . I wanted to learn tennis ".
She took deap breath while looking at her hands.

"I told them i wanted to be a tennis player"
But they "they just simply said i don't wanted to" ."they said i can't ".

She said looking at her hands. She lifted her eyes to look at me and continue her words her story behind her behaviour and tears shocked me .

She told me"i never lose hope though. The night you tell everyone .From that day I know that you will not back off that easily .
So I waited for you to do something. I wanted to know how will you do it ?? How will you face ??"

"Then on that night when you told me what will you do and how will you do . You give me my answers. So I do just the same you do with opposite routine. "

"But still you got the chance to learn boxing"

" Means I don't have anyone to teach me .still I don't lose my hope"
"I found a way for me ."she said

We both cry for a time but then I realized she thought wrong of me.

So I asked her .

"I just asked your opinion about that  and you threw the whole tantrum at me! why that's so?? ".

"What do you mean ?? Wait don't tell me your aim is to be a boxer and you are not changing it anytime soon ??" She said to me with confusion.

" of course I will never change my aim you make me hold it more solidly ". I said while walking upstairs to my room.

Everything is clear . Doesn't matter what will happen I will become a boxer for sure.

© Fiction Writer