

A little girl born in middle class family.In that family they are fivemembers.father,mother,elder sister, young brother,and that little girl.Father treat the your brother like Prince of the family, mother also treat him same.the elder sister live their study in 7th class,she go to work earn money to give her family.The little girl stay only in home,she doesn't know the world.but,she like freedom their parents don't give freedom to her.becouse of family honor.she feel the home like a jail.her friends are enjoy the nature and they have freedom to enjoy whole day.The little girl always thought and cry about her freedom.she don't share anything to others.She speakes rare in her family members also.
Her mind full to enjoy the nature and experience of world.she feel live their own.she became major.But ,now also there is no freedom to her.

Q.what she will do for freedom?