

**The Discipline Dilemma**
Which method of discipline do you prefer, soft or tough? Create a story about the query to back up your response.

As a parent, I always struggled with the decision of which method of discipline to use with my children - soft or tough. My husband, John, believed in tough love, while I preferred a more gentle approach.

One day, our youngest son, Tommy, got into trouble at school for getting into a fight with another student. John immediately wanted to punish him harshly, but I suggested we sit down and talk to him first.

"Tommy, can you tell us what happened at school today?" I asked gently.

Tommy looked down at his feet, avoiding eye contact. "I got into a fight with Billy because he was making fun of me in front of everyone," he mumbled.

John's face turned red with anger. "That's no excuse for fighting, Tommy! You know better than that. You're grounded for a week!"

I put a hand on John's arm to stop him. "Let's try a different approach, John. Tommy, how did it make you feel when Billy was teasing you?"

Tommy looked up at me, his eyes filled with tears. "It made me feel really small and embarrassed, Mom."

I could see the pain in his eyes, and my heart broke for him. "I understand, Tommy. But fighting is not the answer. How about we come up with a better way to handle situations like this in the future?"

We spent the rest of the evening talking to Tommy about different ways to handle conflicts without resorting to violence. John was skeptical at first, but as he saw the positive impact our conversation had on Tommy, he began to see the value in a softer approach.

In the end, Tommy learned a valuable lesson about communication and conflict resolution, and John and I learned that sometimes a gentle touch can be more effective than a heavy hand.

From that day on, we found a balance between soft and tough discipline, knowing that each situation requires a different approach. And as our children grew older, they learned to navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience, thanks to the lessons we taught them through our own struggles with discipline.

Written By,
Ivan Edwin
Pen Name : Maximus.
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