

Moving With Life's Flow=Stupidity.
Hello everyone,today I am going to tell you that the thought"Let's move with Life's Flow" is not so good.
You know everyone in this world will try to demotivate you and will never let you to have a clear vision.Here,the fact is that your life is also one of them.This will look little confusing because how can your own life is giving you a blur vision?Well in last discussion you know that your life and your body,both are different individuals.Your life asks you questions and you have to give answers.So one who is diffrent from you how can he understand your feelings.It will never understand, because he is different from you.To understand this let me give you an example,when you set an alarm and next morning when it rings what you think first,you think give me 5 minutes more.You know who is stoping you here from waking up,it's your own mindset and who sat that mindset,it was you,and who trained you to sat that type of mindset,it was your 'life'.Well it was you who trained your life to force you to think like that.
So to change this type of thinking of your life,you have to train your life.But unfortunately it's inspired by you and it is within you,so you first have to train yourself and then your life,and then your mindset will automatically change.There are certain kinds of inputs that you can take for a better outputs from your mind,meditation,reading good books,spending time with good people,these are some inputs that you can give to your life so that it will change you,and you will change your mindset.And you why I am saying not to move with Life's flow because it can move anywhere but you can't,so if you move with it then one day,in one place it you will struck very badly that you will never get a chance to come back.
So ladies and gentlemen,make sure that your life moves with you not you moves with your life.

Thank you!

© Anand Dwivedi