

Our Real Wealth
Once a man died in a car accident and when he realized, he saw god approaching him with a suitcase in hand. God said, "Come let's go son, your time has come!" The man was gobsmacked and he asked, "Really!? Now? But it's too soon, I still have lots of work to do, sorry but I can't accompany you. And what's there in that suitcase?" God replied, "That's your stuff!" "My stuff?" The man enquired. "Oh then that might be my clothes, my money and all". God answered, "Those were never yours they were all earthly items and will remain there only". The man questioned again, "Then are those my memoirs ?"
They too were never yours, they were of time" god replied. "Oh, then this might contain my intelligence then!" God: "what make you think so? They were only situation generated" god answered. Man again: "They this might have my family and friends!" God smiled and replied, "No they too were the wayfarer in your journey". "Then surely this is my body", man said. "No that too was never yours that was a combination of earthly elements". Man: "Then is that my soul inside?" God: "No, your soul is mine". The man baffled and got that suitcase from god and opened hurriedly to see what's inside. When he opened the suitcase, it was empty!! Tears rolled down his eyes and softly he said, "Nothing was mine". God answered, "That's the truth my child.

The time that was given to you was yours. The deeds you performed be it good or bad was yours".

What this story tells us is What We only have is This Time!! So make best use of it. Nothing goes along with us but our deeds they are our real wealth. We should always try to maximize the wealth that actually counts not this materialistic one but the actual one. Our lives must be worth it, whenever possible help others as often as you can, live every moment as well as possible. Live your life, live it to the fullest.