

I met a Vampire prt 2
Wow, this place looks beautiful inside. Weird to see the chandelier's candles are lit up and so the toarches here and there. It makes the entrance hall somewhat ominous looking and so warm and welcoming at the same time. Atleast I don't have to fear the dark so bad or worry that something is going to jump in front of me without my knowing.. I sarcastically joke about this I am quite terrified to be honest.. Obviously I am not alone... My luck though maybe there is something to eat hopefully this ghost or fiend is not minding my intrusion that much and is very hospitable.. I wouldn't want to die now from curiosity like the cat did... Hehehe, yeah let me just avoid this talk of death though I can beg for my life.. At what cost really?? Darn thoughts could the shivers down my spine just stop and enjoy the beautiful paintings and luxurious blood red carperts with a golden edge so soft and clean as if they where new. I sadly don't have any adoring fans at the moment.. Heheh, just some abominating thoughts as fans at the moment. I am scared at my own shadow from the dancing torchlight..

There are these grand stare cases leading up and the chandelier catches my eye still here at even when I reached the end of entrance hall in this great open room. A dubble door doorway is between the sets of stairs.. Hopefully it is the dining room I am a bit stariving.. I always wanted to eat in such a setting. The movies made it so memorable to do so... I somewhat feel safe, but need I ask how safe am I? Anyways it is sadly a great library, but why is there a...

A coffin in the middle of it... My bad rhetorical question of course I am in the castle with a vampire in it.. I am surely going to hang like beef jerky now and see every ounce of my blood drip into the fiend's mouth.. That's a disturbing thought. I have to get out.. Make a run for it.. Wait what... Ahhh dammit legs move!!! Come on damn you I am not going to die this way I'm to young to die too.. Please have mercy!!

Oh damn.. The coffin it is cracking open.. " P... P.. P.. .. P..lease don't k..k..kill me. I actually l.. l...lllove vv.... vampires.. Let me go I would tell anyone I fff.. found you.. "

"Can it mortal! I am not in the mood for moaning.. You just make me more desprate to kill you with all that begging... Your the one messing around in my domain anyways. You must suffer the consequences of your actions mortal fool.... I am thankful towards your idiocy though.. Breakfast in bed is kinda my mood for today! Hahahahaha!!"

"I am Alex atleast tell me your name before you kill me I just want to die by a friend's hand rather than a stranger. I am glad to have met you.." Alex sobs .."Just friend do it I have accepted my fate... I can't do anything about that now.. I have lived an okay life I think it has been an honour being here and seeing this rare gem..."

"Ugh, mortal you have to die.. I suppose I can make your final wish come true ... I am Dextro.. My brother's name is Vamps. He left the castle years ago and came back on an occasion or two.. We don't really see eye to eye but I manage the things here. Oh well the pit is going to enjoy some of your precious blood with me... Now come closer.. Lemme enjoy your sweet blood.."

© The cube said it