

Final Analysis
The Educated Guess

At some time in everyone's life there comes a rough spot. When we get there we wonder what happened, what fell apart, who's fault is it, what could I have done differently?
I've always had this little way of pissing people off. It's one thing to be under criminal investigation, but it's quite another when they're mad at you. Nice hotels and good jobs are a commodity for the ones who have their shit together, somewhat! I always take things for granted. Then they take me.
I'm a lost soul in bad need of answers to why and who! I'm probably better off not knowing, but at least I'd know what or who I'm up against. Judging from the attitude, whoever they are, they're rule-breakers and cocky. They know just how to annoy the piss out of you. And when you think it's a bunch of weirdo punks educated in psychological warfare and jungle games you tend to have an attitude back, even though you're out-numbered. It's sweet and sour as hell.

Chapter 1

Over the last 6 years I have been hazed, stalked, laughed at, cried over, reasoned with, sought-after, humiliated, missed, found, lost again, sad, irritated, drained, whipped, scared, brave, bold, uncaring, loving, lonely, crazy, mistaken, vulnerable, thrashed, probed, led, robbed, talked about, eclipsed, prompted, taught, branded, honored, commended, spyed on, bewildered, baffled, amazed, surprised, dumbfounded, cunning, damned, cursed, lucky, guided, bled, and tortured, to-say-the-least!
Quite a list, huh, but I didn't have that much life left to finish! It's been one hell of a rollercoaster ride for me. And I wouldn't take from, what the ones who haunted, attributed, which is monumental! Let's just say 10, (and I promise you it was 5 times that number), men, and each man got expense money in the range of $250.00/day per man equals $2,500.00 per day @ 365 days = $$912,500.00 X 6 years = $5,470,000.00. That's the low number. The most I've ever done was paid off in County Jail and Prison. What I've done since being out is not feasible enough to justify all this manpower, all this time, all the gas, all the risks, all the loss.

Chapter 2

It's being justified somehow! They're not going to take a loss that big. It's got to be for something. That's what makes me think it's the feds because they use parallel investigation where when they pick a case up they parallel it with what was porported before they got the case. All you have to do is apply the laws of reason and you'll get an area within it's proximity. For instance: Murphy's Law... If anything can go wrong, it can and will happen.! Or, reason: "I don't care how bad this guy pissed you off, I'm not putting up the manpower nor the time and money, it's just not feasible.

Chapter 3

The President don't even have a top mission that compares to this. But the effort says something that the price don't:
It tells me that, 1. They think I'm dangerous; 2. They think I'm tied in with someone; 3. They think I might have committed a crime that I know I didn't; or 4. They are pulling out the stops for a good friend.
About the time Sheriff Mike Brown and I had words it all started. For some twisted hate for what I do when I get high, they may have convinced a Judge somewhere that my actions are that of someone who may rape, sodomize, murder, molest, fondle, sexually assault, or sell child porn. When you are on the outside looking in it stands to reason. I mean, here's this guy who hardly ever picks up women, never hustles babes, hires whores, but gets high and jacks off! He's a sick -o, crazed, idiot! But, when your on the inside looking out, all it is is fantasy dating. The meth makes you horny, you fantasize, masturbate and ejaculate. That simple.
Then they want to know how someone who knows they're being watched, taken pictures of, and videoed, could keep doing what he's doing, and the answer to that is, because they are violating Constitutional Rights and they are misreading the label. I'm not breaking the law, they are. More people were lynched 200 years ago for doing something there was no law for than those breaking an existing law because society frowned on it.
And all the times they had to ask someone to gain entrance so they could watch me play with myself. And the countless times they had a civilian place a recorder or video device or some other technological software in a designated area. All because someone likes to masturbate.
But the real damage is done when they show others the pictures and videos of someone trying to enjoy a private moment.

Chapter 4

It started out in a bathroom at a girl's house I was buying dope from. She was under surveillance and I got seen masturbating in her bathroom.
I had lots of women I couldve fucked, but it wasn't like masturbating, taking your time, not humiliated by, or sized-up from, or compared to, or talked about afterwards, or chancing an STD. When the urge hit I would stop somewhere, go in to use the bathroom and handle my business. Key words here are "my business" with a right- to-privacy attached to it. A gaurantee in writing by my forefathers who knew what the future would bring, that's why they wrote them. And our government is supposed to stand behind them; protect them for our children, lest they fall to dictatorship. These men and women, no matter how loyal they are to their positions, should be loyal to the flag first, but they're not!
The driving force behind this is not so obvious, as you might think. In our Bible it talks about principalities, dominions, and the such. Did you know that within the 10 heirarchies of Angels is Principalities and Dominions. There are also Wheels, Thrones, Seraphim, Cheribum, and Arc Angels.
[In Ephesians 6:12 it says, "For we war not with flesh and blood, but with principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness in this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.]

Chapter 5

That would be the world powers: Congresspersons, Senators, Governor's, Representatives, Law men like Rangers, DPS, Game Wardens, the rich, the famous, the Republicans and Democrats, the left wing and the right wing, bosses, Satan, Beelzebub, etc.
Any one person given absolute power cannot govern that power within his/herself without Christ Jesus. And these men and women that have bombarded me with vehicles hazing me, sometimes, loud pipes, people whistling outside my window, dressing up in kkk outfits, shooting spy-lazers at me. Driving me senseless with Infrasound Frequencies at around 24,ooo dbls, constantly poking at me with some kind of hate.
I pray that when they meet the judge, the One who comes with a sword and not with peace, that He is as angry as I am. I have no compassion for people of this caliber. Get a life;and more important, get a real job.
This is policing at it's......? Off duty and/or retired police oficers, teamed up with community volunteers.
Then there's cadets for taskforces and sheriff's deputies. I have eye-witnessed the technological instruments used in their purposes and these tools are quality, hightech, and successful gadgets that produce with little risk. You don't just put something like this in the hands of street punks. Which leads me to why, if these are educated, sophisticated men of law, do they resort to such underhanded tactics as they do? It's unlike high-ranking law officials to show, or demonstrate any emotion, especially anger! It seems personal to them. And when I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they talked to certain people, these people will not reveal who it is or what they said. Even when I heard with my own ears they denied it But, what's too keep a person from being put on a federal witness stand, under oath, and asked to reveal the identity of the law enforcement agency that is committing crimes hand over fist, and then not only is the source exposed, but now criminal charges can be filed on them.? OK, so real says a federal court won't touch it unless there's a federal investigation.

Chapter 6

I shudder to think what will play out when I get my life in order, stop using drugs, work, pay bills, taxes, turn my life completely around. Will they let their hate for me go, or will they continue to harass me.?
The future holds the answer. May God have His will over ours..


© Ken/Bar7RRanch @1234567