Final Analysis
The Educated Guess
At some time in everyone's life there comes a rough spot. When we get there we wonder what happened, what fell apart, who's fault is it, what could I have done differently?
I've always had this little way of pissing people off. It's one thing to be under criminal investigation, but it's quite another when they're mad at you. Nice hotels and good jobs are a commodity for the ones who have their shit together, somewhat! I always take things for granted. Then they take me.
I'm a lost soul in bad need of answers to why and who! I'm probably better off not knowing, but at least I'd know what or who I'm up against. Judging from the attitude, whoever they are, they're rule-breakers and cocky. They know just how to annoy the piss out of you. And when you think it's a bunch of weirdo punks educated in psychological warfare and jungle games you tend to have an attitude back, even though you're out-numbered. It's sweet and sour as hell.
Chapter 1
Over the last 6 years I have been hazed, stalked, laughed at, cried over, reasoned with, sought-after, humiliated, missed, found, lost again, sad, irritated, drained, whipped, scared, brave, bold, uncaring, loving, lonely, crazy, mistaken, vulnerable, thrashed, probed, led, robbed, talked about, eclipsed, prompted, taught, branded, honored, commended, spyed on, bewildered, baffled, amazed, surprised, dumbfounded, cunning, damned, cursed, lucky, guided, bled, and tortured, to-say-the-least!
Quite a list, huh, but I didn't have that much life left to finish! It's been one hell of a rollercoaster ride for me. And I wouldn't take from, what the ones who haunted, attributed, which is monumental! Let's just say 10, (and I promise you it was 5 times that number), men, and each man got expense money in the range of $250.00/day per man equals $2,500.00 per day @ 365 days = $$912,500.00 X 6 years = $5,470,000.00. That's the low number. The most I've ever done was paid off in County Jail and Prison. What I've done since being out is not feasible enough to justify all this manpower, all this time,...
At some time in everyone's life there comes a rough spot. When we get there we wonder what happened, what fell apart, who's fault is it, what could I have done differently?
I've always had this little way of pissing people off. It's one thing to be under criminal investigation, but it's quite another when they're mad at you. Nice hotels and good jobs are a commodity for the ones who have their shit together, somewhat! I always take things for granted. Then they take me.
I'm a lost soul in bad need of answers to why and who! I'm probably better off not knowing, but at least I'd know what or who I'm up against. Judging from the attitude, whoever they are, they're rule-breakers and cocky. They know just how to annoy the piss out of you. And when you think it's a bunch of weirdo punks educated in psychological warfare and jungle games you tend to have an attitude back, even though you're out-numbered. It's sweet and sour as hell.
Chapter 1
Over the last 6 years I have been hazed, stalked, laughed at, cried over, reasoned with, sought-after, humiliated, missed, found, lost again, sad, irritated, drained, whipped, scared, brave, bold, uncaring, loving, lonely, crazy, mistaken, vulnerable, thrashed, probed, led, robbed, talked about, eclipsed, prompted, taught, branded, honored, commended, spyed on, bewildered, baffled, amazed, surprised, dumbfounded, cunning, damned, cursed, lucky, guided, bled, and tortured, to-say-the-least!
Quite a list, huh, but I didn't have that much life left to finish! It's been one hell of a rollercoaster ride for me. And I wouldn't take from, what the ones who haunted, attributed, which is monumental! Let's just say 10, (and I promise you it was 5 times that number), men, and each man got expense money in the range of $250.00/day per man equals $2,500.00 per day @ 365 days = $$912,500.00 X 6 years = $5,470,000.00. That's the low number. The most I've ever done was paid off in County Jail and Prison. What I've done since being out is not feasible enough to justify all this manpower, all this time,...