

The Girl they named Yolanda
part 1.

"It truely did begin the same exact way it would have started, as another would politely say it ended before it could even start or as one would say it was only *the beginning before the end.*"


     As the wind started to pick up out of nowhere i could hear its high pitched whistle like howl slowly starting to creep up in a pace that was quite fast. It was almost as if it was trying to mimic the sounds of a tea pot ready to tell you that your hot water is done, yet instesd of a kettle on top of a stove top.
I could only enjoy this noise through the sides of my window, every time the wind progressed the overly irritating sounds of the one to many little tree branches or vines that smack up against the windows to the first floor of the house, as I listen to the echoes fade off as it whips its way back into the distance.
     As the music is playing softly in the background, my younger sister and i are enjoying each others company as we had decided to play a hand in a card game. One we would often play together, I assumed it was the only game she knew how to play but she would claim it was because she really liked Rummy. Her rules though.
While i ran up the stairs to grab a random deck, we would split the task and she would be waiting downstairs clearing out a space up a settimg up a moment that would have been surrounded by laughter that could corrupt and fill up A whole entire room. A joyful evening blessed with silliness and delightful cheers would soon be interrupted by some drama her boyfriend would cause.

      Especially when he felt like she wasnt providing him with the right amount of attention in that very moment. To me it just seemed like he was doing it just to provoke her, to see how far he could push her just so he can laugh when he got the reaction he was looking for out of her.
He knew how to stir up her emotions to get her pissed off enough to blame it all on her. It would set her off, and honestly it did set me off as well, only because that is the shit I didn't like, it truly seemed like he would only come over just to only hurt her, or pull some shit like that.

The Begining Before the end

    It was the night of August 16th and the year of 2006, around 5:30pm. Surprised by how oddly warm the evening was this time of year in the town of Plymouth Massachusetts, and how quite it was outside. It did give me a feeling I never felt before almost as if it was like I was looking at a ghost Town. 
     The noises of birds chirping, and car honkings soon faded out and than it just happened, I couldn't control it, I never ever saw it coming, but on that very night and on that very day, my whole life changed, in more ways than one, It was like the end to my beginning.  

     "Hello you've reached the 911 Emergency dispatch center,-"
"What is your name ma'am?" 
"Please state the name of your emergency.." 
      A few seconds go by, before I begin to hear a slight static noise come from the phone almost as if it was doing it on purpose every time I tried to reply and would stop right when a new question would come through from the 911 operator I was on the phone with.
       "Hello this is Emergency dispatch."
"You have reached the 911 operator-"
"Can you State the name of your emergency.." 

      I tried So hard to talk and I truly thought I did or atleast i figured was, yet that wasn't the case, truth was I only heard myself say that inside my head, and I couldn't speak even if I wanted to and the that creepy static I kept hearing was coming from the cord that was attached to the phone that was hung in the kitchen, I had always thought it was hung in the worst spot possible.
       "911 operator-"
"Please state the name of your emergency?"
"Hello you're on the phone with  911 Emergency center.-"
"What is your name ma'am?."

     Hearing the lady talk on the other side of the phone brought me to this place where I started to ease to the idea of calling 911 was pointless and felt that mind and soul embrace through accepting the fact that this was it. I wasnt going to make it and that I was going to die and that I wouldn't be there to protect my sister. 
     With each gasp for air while choking on every deep breath I tried to intake, trying to fight off my sisters boyfriend only to have him pull the cord tighter and tighter with the look of death in his lurking within his eyes. As i watched my younger sister stand there crying and yelling at him almost as if she was screaming at him as she was begging for my life.

     I tried with all my energy to say to her *RUN* as I felt the tears roll down the sides of my face only to think it would be the last time I would feel anything or any one. By now my body starts going in and out of consciousness while I was struggling for air as I was being strangled by my sisters boyfriend  I finally was able to let out a whisper, it was so soft i wasnt even convincing myself.
“Hello, are you still there?” 
[Static electricity cracks across the phone]
“Hello please my name is-” 
[Sounds of Static intenseify]
“Please if you can hear me Send help, w-we need help!” 
[White noise continues]
"He’s trying to kill us!" 
[Static Crackles] 
“N-No get away from me” 
[Static fades eerily]
“Dont you fucking touch her-” 
[Phone drops]
“Don’t yo-”

     I could feel my body get cold being met with this strange muffled sound ringing in my ears with an eerie feeling starting to make a home in the pit of my tummy and then clear as day the phone statics right before a grim sounding distorted voice begin to softly repeat the monolog the dispatch operators would use as it got louder and louder 
     “Hello 911 operater-"
"What is the name of your emergency?"
"911 ma’am are you there?"
"Hello this is 911?”
     It was like The operator had been recorded and played as a sick joke hearing tbe automated messaged loud and clear, yet the bigger question I had was who was i talking to could they even hear me.
"Stop!" I yelled!     
"Please stop it!" I cried!"
"Hello?' Can nobody hear me?" 
“please, if your listening?-"
  "Help me!”

      I softly say as I started to cry. I shouted I thought I did but I realized it was not out loud, but only in my head *you have reached the-* yet Compared to many I Almost feel automated myself *if this is a medical emergency Press 1 or stay on the line* Annoyed i was as i thought to myself Is this rhetorical? this is a fucking joke. do I have a choice? Useless, just fucking useless I felt, like every penny anyone had ever thrown out or dropped. 
    "Hello you've reached the 911 Emergency dispatch center,-"
"What is your name ma'am?"
"Please state the name of your emergency.." 
     The horrific sounds of static electricity had been Pulsating through my head stuck ringing inside my ears almost like a broken doll with it's batteries draining. A noise I knew I would never get out of my head, no matter how hard I tried. Stuck inside my head like a terroristic torcher technic even walt disney would have used.  

     It felt more like a hypnotic trick, one would say, a therapeutic tacit, or there really is a point of being brain washed. Would I prefer  hypnotized or tricked? Ill just stick to heads and tails I muttered almost in an unsettling way, unsure how to feel at that moment truth was I felt like a fool, I thought quietly to myself, it all just happened in a blink of an eye, a split second
      "hello 911 operator,-"
"Can you state the name of your emergency?"  
      The operator had asked once more I almost had forgotten that she was still on the phone, as I softly whisper      
      "Ye-yes I'm still here"  
    I was starting to feel hopeless at this point, not knowing if my sister and I would make it out alive, and there it was again the corrupting sound of static electricity and the voice of operator proceeds again  

    "Hello you've reached the 911 Emergency dispatch center,-"
"what is your name ma'am?"
"Please state the name of your emergency.." 
     Thats it! I dropped the phone down and screamed this time a noise came out of my mouth, finally unknown if I was heard or not. By now It was around 630pm when my sister and i ended up at one of our neighbors house as we sit there on one of his lawn chairs. 
      As my sister embraced the pure look of exhaustion and panic mixed with some high rating fear, upon her face. While Catching her breath while she stares back over at me and then back to the grassy area all shocked. She knew real well she would be in deep shit for all this because she had instigated or prolonged a irrational situation her boyfriend started, but that was just how she was, she would always feed into his manipulative "ACT"  

     By now I could hear the police cars racing down the street and ambulance sirens echoing in the distance getting louder by the second as they sped down sandwich street monitoring the distance between them and us. As discussed I looked at my sister and told her to be quiet as she nodded.
     That's when this cocky little coonass of an officer walked up to us, with this highly judgmental look across her face, almost as if she had a stick up her ass, for her own pleasure that is when she had asked us, in this loud irritating Italian northern accent;     
"what had happened?    
"Which one of the two of you did this?" 

    We both just sat there silently shrugging our shoulders not knowing what she wsnted us to say or what she was even talking about. I hesitated to open my mouth I wanted to ask what was she referring to because we were the ones who called  instead we just remained silent. It had felt like even if we opened our moutbs to respond to the officer we would both be thrown in the back of the police car and giving some extra charges.  
    A few minutes go by and with this big inhale and overly annoyed suggestive exhale the officer once more proceeded to ask the question again. This time as she removed her sunglasses and I felt her racial profiling stare sucking the soul out of my butt as she stood there in a very, very unsettling way.  When she had opened her mouth the next time she appeared to have this harassingly tone to her voice, like if she was already accussing me before hand, she had said,

"Don't make me ask again!"

"I'll take you both down,-"

"Now which one of you two did this" 

    I look over at my sister as she began to cry I told her I loved her and not to worry it will be okay and I stood up and said "I DID- I DID IT" scared and frightened after the fact as she cuffed my hands behind my back, I knew this time I was *at the point of no return*

© EveLuna