

Chapter Two
This morning was like any other here in South Haven, Washington. Full of beauty, small town charm and everlasting rain, but I've never minded the rain. It always had a calm feel to it, but something about today just feels different. I notice I'm immensely stressed, which is making me sick to my stomach. There is a pretty big exam coming up in a few days in my German class, but I've been studying endlessly for it, so that cant possibly be the reason.

The smell of blueberry pancakes and bacon drifts up the stairs, my all time favorite. My stomach begins to rumble. I realize my alarm never went off. I just happened to wake up a little past seven-twenty, which gives me forty-five minutes from now until the bell for first period rings. I grab my usual pink hoody off the mountain of clean clothes on my desk chair that I keep promising my mom I'll get around to putting away, but its probably been there for atleast a month now. I throw my blonde hair up into a quick ponytail. I guess it's a no makeup kind of day, I tell myself.

"Addy! Breakfast! You're going to be late if you dont hurry", my mom calls from downstairs. I wonder what the occasion is that shes made my favorite breakfast. Last time she did was because my dog of ten years had passed away in the middle of the night. I cried for the next week straight afterwards knowing I would never get to watch him leap through the snow one last time. I swear my old man came to life every single time. I'll never forget those days.

Its just me and my mom living here in South Haven. I've never had a father figure in my life. My mom claims he was a drunk and she kicked him out right before giving birth to me. I've asked her several times to share more about him when I was growing up, but she always looked away from me and changed the subject. I havent heard from him once in all these years or even seen a picture of what he looks like.

I brush off the knot in my stomach and quickly check my phone as I head downstairs to see if Augustus has messaged me and of course, he has.He sends me the same sweet message every single morning that he has for the past few years, "goodmorning my love", but that message still makes me smile every time I read it. #writco #writcowriter #writcostorychallenge #love #pain