

Amongst The Horrorglifix On My Sanity
Bang! Bang! Boom! The only sounds heard.
Amongst them, screams and wails raced each other.
Such scene is tough to describe by words
For it was eyesore unlike any other.

To my right, a young man was choking in his own blood,
busy trying to keep his intestines in.
And to my left, another dropped with a loud thud,
There was a big gaping hole where his left eye had been.

In the distance, someone was burning alive,
Another was walking in confusion, trying to find his left arm.
I saw a medic desperately trying to keep a man alive,
Before he too succumbed to the bullet swarm.

Some men were screaming in pain, confusion, or fright,
Some just remained stunned, consumed by the commotion.
Others were reciting prayers, begging for His protective light;
But all of us spoke the same language: salvation.

Such were the gory scenes playing around me
Since the moment the ramps of our landing crafts were opened.
All those displays of horror now still gnaw on my sanity years later since the first time inflicted.

#story #overthinking #unique #hallucination #words #secret #Secretsofmysoul
© Tђєє ⓞrเginɑl🩸