

The Lost clock

When I was little I went to school with all my friends, and now that we are adults, we still see them, because we had the best teacher in the world and he taught us that lesson among others.

One day on the walk I met my friend Andrés from school, we were talking about getting together with everyone when by fate or chance of life, we saw the teacher who taught us, with his wife.

Of course, we went over to say hello to them, my friend Andrés was the first to speak to him;

- Do you remember me?

But unfortunately the passing of the years does not go unnoticed and the teacher answered him;

- Sorry, your faces sound familiar, but right now I can't remember who you are .

- I'm Andrés Márquez García, I was his student during the years...

My friend Andrés , he started to think back, when the...