

value of zero (0)
We always taught the value of 1 but never of 0 why ? because it symbolises the failure ? No . Actually we get so busy in the race for success and failure that we have forgetten , that if there was no ZERO then ONE would not have originated . So don't be afraid of failure or being called zero . It's neither the end of life nor a symbol of failure but an ORIGIN OF LIFE .
When added it after 1 it becomes 10 and added before it only remains 01 . By just adding it to in any number it increases the value in thousands and crores on the contrast the same is for 1 . Both the numbers have thier own importance . So , let them be a numbers only don't make it emblematic of your success and failure .
Therefore , it is most important to give knowledge of life more than 0 and 1 .

© a@radhya🦋