

A letter to the world full of hatred
"I am not a hero", trust me when I say, "I am a lover". Ideally, lovers are meant to be selfless but practically, maybe not. Ideally, a true lover will stick to that one person they have once loved irrespective of a possible future together. But practically, maybe not.

This world we live in is more inclined towards hatred and violence. We Indians get inspired by bollywood a lot but when it comes to love, people say bollywood type of love is cheesy, irrational, nonexistent. We normalize violence and not love. People prefer guns over flowers.

In a world like ours, I believe every drop of love counts. No matter how much love you spread, it will never be enough. I believe loving someone who doesn't aprreciate it is a waste of time. I won't ask you to be like me or to love everyone because we all have different definitions, theories, perspectives on love and I don't say either of us is wrong.

"But I am not a hero. I don't want to make a mark in the pages of history like Romeo and Juliet", trust me when I say, "I am a lover. I love for myself."

© TheMaskedIdiot