

Based on true story
On Tuesday, night I was so buzy doing my project work that as given by my lecture , that night I was creating a project of classroom then I was walking in the room to take my things sunddenly I saw a leg was walking by the back of glass in the balcony , my room was in the third floor , The leg look like a black shadow , it is not my leg first I was confused I thought that was my leg but no it just walk by and disappear
I was so scoked and confused , I was freez and couldn't move at all , I just look at the glass for a few seconds and I call my mum and scream I told I saw a leg back of the balcony glass , my mum thoughts that was a theif in the house but I explain to my mum is not a theif I saw only the leg but don't have body I was so shaking went I told my mum, this incident I could not forget in my life