

Crystal Lives (part 1)
He had his heart of gold laid on a platinum paper, he would eat it with a silver spoon. His diamond asked him why he had no use of it again, he popped his mercurial shroud over his onyx lips, sighed and said with a mouthful of ruby:

"I have trespassed against the rubic of Love, and can go no further".
Diamond: "Oh but you could regress into..,"

"Speak no more Diamond, I have a letter for you to Moonstone, you had found her between the cracks of emerald". He pulled out of his very beryl coffer, "Hmm", handed Diamond a scarlet letter of gold seal. "take, have this for Moonstone, she had been out by moonlight, and have this for you".

Diamond: but sir, grace is given to the humble of heart and their days are made to flourish like the palm.., and...

"and I have no heart Diamond". "Can't you see or have blurred your sight with pearls?

Diamond: no sir, not in the least... I...I barely even speak to Pearl... and... and I..,

"oh you should be in want of love Diamond to miss a talk with Pearl, no minion is she". "Oh! What infamy, of my dignity, what if ignominy to my age"

Diamond: I think sir you're too hard on yourself and the warrant to living might be withheld from you by mother nature". Begins to cry, "Oh you sir were the favourite of all jewels and your delight was not their plight nor was your plight their delight, they made for you a heart of gold, a silver spoon, a pie of ruby, a mercurial shroud, a scarlet lamb of white streak through its head down to its groin, how now the Alchemist has lost taste for mining. Not for riches of fame nor wealth of substance did he have the wealth of rich minerals by him, he coveted no man's gold nor traded the poors' silver for mint, he emptied his chest in the church's fest.., I.., he would play no duce nor spin no dice". sobs more profusely.

"Diamond, Diamond, lad, you've tweak a wick light blurry blue, and the crude oil in the cruse causes the paraffin wax to shade oily tears. Perhaps I could mend my ways, I know not the way".

Diamond cheers up a bit, a broad smile over his chin, tear droplets still wallowing over his brow, "I had speak to Pearl, she holds the keys through the pearly gates".

"Pearly gates, whoopee! that would mean me having the will to meet with the High and Lofty King of the Universe, huh?. Thanks alot Diamond, that would be my pleasure".
Gives Diamond a hug, then turns around facing the northern horizon. Whereas, Diamond is perplexed at the windy change of emotions from his master, young he is though, he had always appeared grave and never showed any youthful feel whatsoever, but now he just seem to flare like one foot loose and fancy free. He decks he hat on turns to face setting sun and warm tears gush down his eyes.

"why.., why I'm I crying.., crying so incessantly". "Or Diamond must have lost his value among men". I used to be a wealthy craftman, hard in my creations. and secretly of hands. Humans sought my counsel and my utterance was good to their taste, till one day, they bowed to me, and took to a journey i know not were nor had cared to an inquiry. But soon enough they multiplied me and all gems that were mine. they had gold to their taste, and silver flooded around them like the sea, pearls were their horses co victuals and.., and wait", turning back to ensure his master was still lost in his reverie, and there remains one untouched.., huh Emerald.

© D.O.N de Oracle