

👻 DEAD 👻

She hugged herself as she felt defeated by the tears she had been struggling hard to fight. More tears ran down her cheeks that insisted as she stared at the man-looking beast who glared at her. He looked like a demon,with tattoos all over his body. He had all sort of piercing all over his face. She winced in pain as his strong hands came in contact with her face. Blood rushed out of her nose,her cheek throbbing with pain. He brought out a knife and smiled as he brought it to her face.

Digging it into her lap,she yelled in pains. He kissed her with so much hate. One could see death clearly written on his fore head. He pulled away and rubbed herpain, smiling as he sawthe amount of pain on her face. He looked down and grabbed his signature knife before slicing off a particular part of her lap and dragging her closer to the wall. As soon as she raised her head up, it came in contact with a log of wood and she blacked out immediately.

He stabbed her stomach and she jerked awake, eyes bloodshot. She looked at him with pleading eyes as he stripped her naked. His eyes danced around their sockets illuminating with pleasure and desire. He unbuckled his belt at the same time. Pushing her on the bed,he parted her legs really wide and penetrated without any form of lubrication. She yelled as blood trickled down her laps. He thrust in and out,panting and moaning in pleasure. He pulled out and smirked evily. She laid there,feeling really ashamed. It was her turn and she had got it. She tried to get up but a sharp pain cut through her abdomen and thighs causing her to make contact with the ground. He picked up an axe,showed it to her and she shook in fear.

Suddenly, he hit her on the head and blood gushed out, staining everywhere. She laid there,lifeless. He touched the blood and tasted it. Cackling evily,he said "perfect ".

He picked up a bucket in the corner of the room and placed it where blood was dripping out from her head. He smiled in victory and walked out of the room. Turning to the guards,he smirked evily and they all laughed.
"Clean up the mess,sharpen my axe and bring in the next girl "
That was life.
In dark doom.

© reenie