

Dear 2020...
It's finally your last day...Tomorrow you will be gone. The whole world must be praying for your fast departure...Lowkey even I am...
Everyone has blamed you, cursed you, hated you for whatever awful things that occurred...
You brought along the most unacceptable crisis. In a way, you deserved it all.
Everyone is fed up with you and your uninviteable problems.
Students lost a year, adults lost their jobs, senior citizens lost their lives.
What can be worse??
I want to thank you...Yes, you heard it right...I know it's strange for someone who has lived(survived somehow) at this time to say that...
Yet...I am...So, here I go...
Thank you 2020...
For making people feel the importance of loved ones...
For making people understand nothing is more important than life...
For making people realize "perfect life" is a myth...
For making them feel the serenity within simple spirit rather than "glamorously apparent" life...
For making them appreciate what they have...
For making people realize their true ones...
For making people understand life is unpredictable...
For highlighting the reality of living...

The world has blamed you for everything...The virus, the economic crisis, the deaths, the unlikely life...however you taught people much more...
Society won't change at a snap...People might remain the same...yet, it was you who enlisted some amount of humane in us.
There were huge losses...but it wasn't always you to be blamed.
Life isn't always a smooth stream. There prevail obstacles...But somehow it flows down...
You were complicated, irritable, painful but you made us realize the "little moments" of joy within us...

Although it's a relief to say goodbye to you(even though you are going to keep your imprints in our lives for the subsequent times)

Thank you for every little moment of happiness and tears of joy you gave amidst this wrecked time...

Goodbye 2020...
"You were difficult but not impossible..."

© Ribi

Disclaimer:- This is just random fictional work...not intended to hurt anyone's sentiments...