

The deadly protest

It was on Friday 10 October,2020. A crowd of protesters Stormed one the State capital house that was set up to focused on the improvement of security. The Security officer guarding the building were not able to overcome them, after the crowd lambasted them they set the building ablazed and started shouting, End SAR! End! SAR! for peace to reign in the state.
Suddenly,one of the deadly Security force enter the scene called the WAVE,(War Against Violence Enforcement) .when the the crowd saw them many run for their lives while the valour one stay behind waving the national flag and sanging the national anthem.The fierce looking enforcement officers gave them no chance without order from the commander they shoot about 50 of them and now the citizens is now seeking for vengeance for the soul lose on that day.It was a deadly protest.
By Ovoskid.
© © Ovoskid