

What Happened??-Part 2.
Bright shining as the sun, there it was. A gold crown fitted with blue diamonds and red rubies.
I placed the masterpiece that was in my hand in the backpack. I told Joseph not to panic because he was looking worried because it was obvious that the police where waiting for us outside the gallery. I looked up the ceiling and I saw an opening. I told Joseph to look for something that could help us get to that opening on the ceiling.
As Joseph went around the gallery looking for something that we were going to use to help us get to that opening, something like a blowing wind, hit me from behind. I started to remember what had happened before we were trapped inside that gallery. I remember talking to a man named Gustavo.
Wait!!!Gustavo is a drug lord of one of the cartels in my neighbourhood.
It wasn't a coincidence that we were trapped inside that gallery.
Well, let me take you a few months back for you to understand what happened for us to be trapped inside that gallery...

~Part 3 Coming Soon
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