

trimandir temple
The Mumbai Trimandir is located at Rishivan Kajupada on Abhinavnagar Road in the suburb of Borivali-East. Param Pujya Dadashri used to pass by this place years ago and do Vidhis. This Trimandir is located on a hill, 300 feet above the sea level. Pujya Niruma had a strong inner intent for establishing a Trimandir at this place. She used to say that where there is a river flowing and there is a hill nearby, that place is certainly blessed by Goddess Padmavati.
The entire complex is surrounded by a lush, green forest and the Satsang Hall is on the ground floor of the temple. Within the temple, visitors will find the idols of Gods of Jainism, Shaivism, and Vaishnavism (along with Gods and Goddesses from other religions), which share equal reverence on the same platform. The idol of Lord Shree Simandhar Swami sits at the center, made entirely of marble and is 156 inches high. The idol of Tulja Bhavani Maa is also located in the Trimandir, as the Goddess was the protective patron deity of the Maratha King Shivaji and is highly worshipped by the people of Maharashtra. The Bookstall - Visitors who are interested in finding out Bhagwan’s Spiritual Science of Akram Vignan can visit the Bookstall, which is located within the temple.