

Unpredictable - (36)

June was shocked seeing the video recording.

It was the video of how my dad dead. Alex was also there. But the thing is, he was standing with those mafia guys, and he was laughing. My eyes filled with tears. And I don't know why? why he is laughing? I can't believe my eyes.

Why he has come to meet me?

I immediately checked those files. All the files were about some people. And in between of those files, a phone number was there. I noted it on my phone. Also, there was a picture of a man. But the man's face was not visible.

Alex is a bastard, a criminal and a wild cruel animal. He laughed seeing his dad's death.
I can't control my anger.

Then, I realised that Aiden, and Noel is with Alex. It's danger for them. I don't know what to do?

Yes, I got it. I immediately called Daniel, Tom and Ava. I told them everything.

And we.....

Stay Tuned!
for next coming episode.