

My office story Part(III)
Alina: Stay in your limits SIR!
Azaan took his phone out from his pocket and was doing something as if he was writing something. Alina got scared. She thought he is definitely this time typing the termination letter.
Alina: What are you doing?
Azaan: Gonna mark this date important it's the first day you touched me🙈😜.
Alina got so much enraged. When Azaan looked at her angry face he left quietly before she could burst on him.
After 6 Hours Azaan was home back and It was already 9:00 pm . He was smiling by himself on what happened that day. He only did that just to annoy her but what happened then was not limited to annoying her only. He was thinking about her since an hour and was smiling. His mind was playing flashbacks of her cute angry face, her scared face, her surprised face. His heart wasn't letting him to sleep. There was Alina all over his mind. Meanwhile Alina was sleeping very well but she didn't knew that she made her boss an insomniac. Next day he again started to annoy her by flirting with her. But on this day when he left for home there was a gift shop, towards which he felt a dragging effect. He finally entered the shop to buy a KeyChain. The shopkeeper told him which kind he wanted. He brought an Alphabet KeyChain Of double 'A' (one meant Azaan and other you know what😉)
When he was finished with billing his eyes caught an locket with Alphabet A❤❤❤. His heart started beating fast. He ordered for the same. When he reached home again he couldn't sleep because of his MISS ARCHITECT. The locket was in his hand with its pendant in centre of his hand looking at the alphabet as if he was looking at her..
Next day when Alina came to sign the register. She was about to enter the cabin and
She fell in his arms. His arms were so strong that Alina felt by her hands. She was looking at his eyes and wanted to get herself out from his gaze. When she was about to get up. She felt that he was not ready to leave her from his grip. He holded her arms so tight as he didn't wanted to leave her. He was looking at her as if he was thirsty for this moment.
Alina:Sir! My arms! You're hurting me
Azaan:Oh! sorry I didn't wanted you to fell down
He finally put her back and she went to signature.
After few hours she was given some work and she came to get those documents signed when she entered his cabin(she was the only one who never knocked his door and she wasn't even ordered to do so like others. When she entered she saw Azaan holding a locket with alphabet A and looking at it, but when he saw her making an entrance he hurriedly hid it beneath his shirt because he was wearing it❤😉. After getting the documents signed. She left but this thing was repeating in her mind and she bumped into someone.....
Stranger: Oh! I'm sorry beautiful. I hope I didn't hurt you

Who was this guy...
Stay tuned
@TRUE_LIAR @ZaraMehar

© wanderer♡