

Dark Hour
The streetlights were dim as the mist enclosed it in its mysterious grip. She peered out of her window into the darkness, was there someone out there, or was it her imagination? For as long as she has been alive, she always treasured the nights. The stillness. The silence and the enigma of it. The deserted streets. Empty hallways. How magnificent. Everyone's gone to their homes, and it's only you and the night outside. In the grasses, a cricket chirrups. The wind blows softly in perfect synchrony. Lights gush forth, illuminating the path you walk on. The stars in a distant paradise shine down on her. On a good night, it hasn't rained. The pathways are dry. Her steps echo into the night, an ambience surreal, she can't help but think there's another behind her. Her heart races with exhilaration, the expectation of certain danger behind her. Adrenaline hits a full time high as her gaze back behind her. Relief washes in when she comes out of it to realize it's just her imagination. To expend adrenaline, she lightly starts jogging, before sprinting off into the night. The night swallows her up as she becomes one with her thoughts and the dark to roam freely but this time with enlightenment.
© Tђєє ⓞrเginɑl🩸