

Visit to the Dentist
Visits to the dentist always
made me feel jittery.
Today was the time of the year
to visit the dentist again.
I took a deep breath &
entered the sterile room.

As the dentist loomed over me
& examined my orifice,
images of my breakfast &
lunch flashed through my mind.
I silently hoped she found
no "clues".

With her set of tools at hand,
she signaled the start of
my "ordeal".

It was like a renovation
taking place within my orifice,
Drilling, Scraping, Drilling,
Rinsing, Drilling & more Drilling.

My ears were filled with the
disturbing noises made by
her tools.
My teeth felt every sensation
triggered by each of her tool,
I cringed each time it touched
my teeth.
I had to grip the chair handles
for some form of support.

The "renovation" went on & on
without cease,
Till I lost track of time.

At last, the dentist wrapped up
her job with a thorough polishing
to clear up the "debris".

And it was over.

I looked into the mirror &
was rewarded with a set of
sparkling teeth beaming
back at me.

It made my "ordeal" worthwhile.

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