

After-work Pint (Haibun)
Software developers spend a lot of time fixing bugs in programs. (I think I know what I am writing about.) And sometimes these bugs accompany them for a very long time.

Over this time, they often name their bugs. Usually they choose short, concise names such as "Y2k bug", "Too-many-fingers-on-keyboard error", or "Mrs Smith's null pointer crash". This helps them talk about it.

And well, occasionally software developers like going out for a beer together. (I still think I know what I am writing about.) That's a good idea for finding names, isn't it?

after-work pint—
we found a nice name
for the open bug

Note: Haibun (俳文) is a prosimetric literary form originating in Japan, combining prose and haiku (here a short three-line poem, which strictly speaking it is not a haiku, but something quite similar). A haibun may record a scene, or a special moment. Here it is a moment recorded in a pub just around the corner.

© Julian Heylinck, 11/2022

#computer #software #engineerlife #ProgrammerLife #programming #haiku #afterworkbeer #Informationtechnology #haibun