

The Oath
Faster faster!!! The words shot through my mind trying to calm my fragile courage, the possibility that this pounding ride through the the moonlit trees and shadows was fruitless I did not dare to imagine.

The dark shape of the tiny house ahead unlit by oil crushed my hope further down into my gut making the pityful heart in my chest flutter and my blood colder than the fragile sheets of ice formed by the wind against my brow.

He found them out and used their cruel ploy to urge him here vulnerable and outnumbered against them....
Those words I held onto as the the horse finally delivered me upon the door of the meager hut I had once called a home.
My hand gripping the handle of my blade l made my way quickly through the door.

The silence only disturbed by the winds gale, but within the blur of it all I picked up the subtle shallow breathimg, my eyes hurried through the abyss landing on the familiar silk of his robes. Before my eyes could focus on the wearers face my body fell to his side as his fingers found my cheek, my hands felt his drenched robe. The injuries were too deep, he couldn't be moved and the blizzard would keep me from returning in time.
"What did I tell you about crying" his voice though weak he attempted to quell my tears.

"How am I supposed to do anything else when I am losing my reason not to?" My care to show strength meant little as hope drifted through the air seeping out the windows of the dilapidated hateful place, I could not stand against the pain anymore.

The wall always between us matters no more, I would have no tommorow to say the thing that never could be said
"My will to go forth from you will go with you from here, I know no home but yours, I know no life but ours."

"A husband who is leaving you, is not how I want to leave you" his words losing the previous little strength they had made my desperation heavy
I more determined to share his burden wrapped my cloak around him knowing the time was little, my hands growing numb I held his back to my cheek "You aren't leaving me, there is no place for me left in this world, I've made the oath even if you don't answer it."I whispered into his ear as I laid next to him in the broken moonlight.

He whispered softly "My unfinished world is now complete, my life has found it's purpose, my will to move forth only with your hand with mine"... The last word fell off into the sound of my anguish.
Through tear stung eyes I laid in the dark holding to my liege, my teacher, my hero who saved me from this merciless place.
The pain the agony tore through me makimg my body quake ..

The abject cruelty this place has shown me! Taking even my only peace! I hate it! I hate them all !

The words bound through my head as the emotion combusted my chest, traveling up my throat through my eyes the hate and anger manifested and surged brilliantly as my body crumbled back against the ground.

I slipped into a colorless black place, no hint of light broke it, my hands reached out into it feeling nothing . My heart seized as I stumbled through and a pair of arms came through the stillness surrounding me pulling me, my arms began to flail until I heard a voice I knew whisper "It's me" that voice sent away all the fear.

My eyes opened again upon the sky filling with the dawn, as my childhood home smoldered around me. I quickly sat up to find my beloved looking back at me his robes covered in blood and slashed yet the gashed skin I tried to compress was unwounded.

We sat struck unable to understand the miracle, my eyes fixed on his I could not remain unmoved "I know I did not dream it or how this is, I give thanks only that it is".

Hito moved pulled me to him gently "From this day we are one." the words I thought I'd never hear the oath completed, my pain eased what had caused this would be accounted for in a later time.

© CM