

Only Mine

Once upon a time there was a beautiful young girl named Kim. She had a great life; full of friends, family, and love. She had been with her boyfriend for two years, and they were very happy together.

One fateful day, Kim's world was turned upside down. Her boyfriend was found dead in mysterious circumstances. Kim was grief-stricken and devastated. She was lost, and didn't know what to do.

Then, into her life came a new boy. He was charming, and Kim was quickly taken with him. He gave her comfort and love, and they soon became very close.

The only trouble was, the new boy was too possessive. He wanted Kim all to himself, and was jealous and controlling towards her. Kim felt trapped in a web of manipulation, and was unprepared for the extreme measures he would take.

It soon became apparent that this new boy had something to do with her boyfriend's death. His possessive and controlling nature had driven him to kill her boyfriend to keep him away from Kim.

Kim was horrified and scared. She had to be very careful. She had to persuade him that she wanted to be with him and not her former lover. She had to make him believe that she was interested only in him.

Kim had no choice but to be obedient and convincing. She had to do whatever it took to keep him happy and away from her former boyfriend.

Kim was eventually able to break free from the abusive relationship. She was able to escape and start a new life away from the possessive new boy.

Kim's story is a warning to others. Possessive and controlling relationships can be very dangerous, and should be treated with caution. No one should ever have to sacrifice their safety or happiness in order to stay in a relationship.
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