

final year (5)
Henry POV
    You're making this surprisingly difficult,henry Crawford,he huffed out distractedly,scratching his head.Here I am trying to be nice to you ,and you're hardly returning the favor"
      You don't know a dammn thing about me or my friends,Noah,so I don't think your really in a position to tell me what to do,I fired back.
         Henry Crawford,he called,"What"I retorted,his voice was dangerously low extremely deep,N-N-nothing he stammered out,
      "Yeah"right, I don't know what game your playing  Noah Johnson,but am not a fan of it,I replied.I stood up straightening my self up to my pathetic height of '5.3' at least am more taller than betty,I tossed my golden hair over my shoulder,my chin jutting out defiantly.
     "I'm not playing at anything henry Crawford he sneered,
       "You know what, I think your the one who is socially inept,I said.
     Henry I think your blind because,clearly you can't tell the difference between a death threat and someone trying to be nice to you.Those rather harsh words has some effect on me and I wasn't expecting.It was safe to say that I was now staring at him like he had something sticking out of his head.sure he had a point there.
      But why"I blurted out,why do you want to be nice to me.
    'You seem like an interesting person'
Yeah!right,I snorted,rolling my eyes
     Its the truth!

If that's the truth,that I'm an_
My phone started ringing loudly in my pocket,,I wasn't surprised when I grabbed my phone out of my pocket to see junie💝 as the ID caller.
Henry freaking Crawford where the hell are you?do you know have been expecting you,and you're out gallivanting God only knows where,and _
     Junie calm down,I cut her off,I'm with someone you might want to know.

I don't fucking care,just get your ass right here,don't you remember am on my period,I bet noah heard that,, I'm looking forward to see how pinkie she will turn when she knows Noah Heard  She is On.

I'm getting a cab right to your place now,I should be there in,like ,twenty minutes,I quickly reasured her,not wanting her to keep on blabbing.I hung up before she could say anything else ,tucking my phone back into my pocket.

So we're friends now are we?I glared up at Noah,clearly you don't want to be friends but I do

Yeah, your right about that one I don't want to be your friend I replied.
   Thats not fair"

Life's not fair noah.
   He Snorted in agreement,

    Life sure as hell wasn't fair,the sad thing is that I'm beginning to realize that,yesterday I thought I was just an ordinary,average seventeen years old girl whose ambition  is to feel life,have fun and graduate before talking about responsibilities,but  that was extremely thrown up into the air,now I am suddenly an ordinary,average seventeen years old girl who has just been made the heir to a company she knew nothing about.life was definitely not fair ,wasn't it?

Look Henry,he sighed heavily,this is stupid,we don't even know each other and we're fighting,it doesn't even make sense,can we start over?"
    Start over, I repeated.
Henry!please I'm trying to be serious here,

    So am I"
Bloody hell,henry you're not making this easy at all(taking a deep breathe)Hi, he said brightly holding out a hand for me to shake,I'm noah"
   I already know who you are,no need to tell me.
   I'm Noah,he repeated forcefully,its nice to meet you,and you're?
Giving him a weird look,I'm Henry,can you leave me alone now?I said in a mockingly polite voice,vigorously shaking his hands.
Pleasure is mine, Henry he returned trying super hard to keep smiling.
I made to drop my hand,wanting him to let go of me and trying  hard not to focus on how it felt like I was being electrocuted or something with him touching me.
I have to go now,he said
I left out an exaggerated sign of relief,Finally,'
He shot me a nasty look,very funny Henry
         I'm never funny"
"Is that so?"
,I guess I'll be seeing you tomorrow,he asked childishly as I stepped backward off the curb with the intention on catching a taxi.
God,I hope not,I muttered,although I had this feeling I didn't want him to hear that.
    He stared at me in open-mouthed horror.
Oh hell!I blurted out,my eyes widening as I caught sight of the look on his face.don't give me that  Johnson if we're going to be friends.
You mean we're friends now?he blabbed excitedly,
Just go home Noah you're frustrating the hell out of me,I groaned under my breath .
Get used to it"Crawford
Dammn this boy is an amazing asshole.
  Goodnight Henry,he sang in a cheery voice after I'd flagged down a cab,I'll see you bright and early tomorrow"
If you sing like that to me tomorrow,I'm seriously going to hit you,I groaned in response grasping the cab door as I leaned against the car,he quickly wave goodbye as I clambered into the cab.

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