

Write a short story about how much easier it is to fix mistakes on a word processor or computer than it is in real life.
A single click enough to wipe out all our mistakes if it is a computer. But what about our life.
How easy it would be if we could erase the words we once let out. Everyone has regrets about something they said in the past that broke relations. words- can be used to build relations but also break them. every word could be bullet piercing through their hearts, so be careful when you're talking to others . Because words once let out cannot be taken back.
You never know how much the other person could hurt just by listening to your words and these cuts can be deeper than we thought. so be careful on what you're saying especially to people you love.because once we make a mistake of saying the wrong things to the wrong person, it might be because you're stressed out or something but that won't change the effect it has on the other person. It could change our relation once and for all. So be careful while talking especially when we're angry cuz that's the time when we usually lose control over our words.
I'm going to try change myself into a calm and controlled person and I hope you try it too...
© cindrellaspoetry