

A new beginning
Beginnings are always so exciting.. Take this town for example I moved to. Beautiful big green trees. Somewhat fine looking street and how can argue that everything in this picture screams exciting!

A surprise awaits me though as the neighbours in this area are somewhat shy. Just a nice old lady across the road came and braught some cookies and fresh bread she had baked earlier today. She helped a bit with moving my stuff in and she seemed to like my house more then I do myself. She seemed so excited with the big yard and want to make a beautiful garden in the front.. All the things she pictured for the garden sounds like a little part of eden for me. Although I'd would like to have some fruit trees and nuts. The herbs and so on would also come in handy and a nice vegatable garden in the back would compliment everything very well! She left for a while and I laughed as she planted some rose bushes on both sides of the drive way..

I didn't mind it at all as long as she doesn't take over.. I can just imagine how picturesque my drive way would look like full of roses when they bloom. As I continued setting up my office that was overlooking the driveway and had a nice view of the mountain. I set up the computer to enjoy the view if I am on a brainstorm and also it is close to the door leading to a small porch.

Everything felt okay and as I was going to spend the first night in my house I felt a bit uncomfortable. There is still a lot to unpack my clothes are still in boxes atleast the kitchen and office is done and some of the places here and there has been touched. All the curtains are up and I feel a bit at home.. This new beginning feels great although I feel like something lurks deeper within this town. Like it is haunted or maybe some weird scientist lives nearby. The people seem somewhat robotic. Maybe a nice party might spice things up a bit and I just have to mix in with the locals.

My head is still spinning I tell you. Tomorrow is a new day and I hope it brings good fortune. I obviously just need to calm down a walk in the neighbourhood is exactly what I need to take a break from the heebie-jeebies.. I am so excited still I wonder how my new bedroom might sleep tonight. It feels a bit awkward lying on my bed thinking what just happened? Did it finally happen? I can't wait to do stuff with this home... Well, wish me luck...
© The cube said it