

A Letter to Death
Dear Death,

I know you heard me the millions of time I asked for You in thousand different ways, but dont know why I was always unanswered. The only answer I have got for my questions, doubts and fear was‘ Ominious Silence’. I never really understood why you were not conceding my pains and disbelief which kept on surrounding me. Were you curious enough to know how one can resist tears and acquit himself competently ?

You had paid me a numerous visits, had knocked a numerous times at my door but never let yourself to accept me... You know somewhere I would love to be around you again...
But now you are approaching me.
I am glad you have realized that to be together always is better than paying numerous visits.
And now I can take a deep“peaceful”breath by holding‘your’hands and would get the answers to those pieces of puzzle that gathered me when I was scattered.
I have accepted those silent words of yours without notes as the answers to my questions.
Surely the voice from inside would stop me and would make me aware of your presence but that starvation, that impatience to stare at you to be with you would remind me of your importance.

Finally I want you to remember that I am awaiting you...

With regards,
A Wretched Soul

© 𝓗𝓪𝓻𝓼𝓱𝓱