

My Too
Growing up I've learned a few things about Man & Wife shit.Couples built bonds & forged through everyday life shit. I'm wise as shit (On my Big Headed Shit).Just Stupid Too!(Ya Dig), Advice is nice so nice in fact, I don't follow it. That's the only selfish thing about my Heart. So, I apologize if you thought I was starting to hand you the key on your path.(NAH)!, It's not happening here. Be mindful,a learning curve does exist, putting in the work isn't as complex as one thought. Simply; listen with your eyes, and hear with your heart. Clear your mind of all Intelligent thoughts and go off your emotion's for starters.(Small Tidbit), But: Huge,if you practice it habitually, until "Finally" * you get it*. It's now second nature, The Label defines so well (Creature of Habit). Good a place as any to relish and embrace our shit. So grab it, Wrestle with it, With no Intentions of Taming Anything.However I remain diligent in unwinding tangled entanglement. You're bound to find yourself at some point in life, where your charm (NO LONGER) dis- arms,but, now alarms trips your senses. If you grew up like me, the look in your eyes speaks the truth. #BEFORE#
(The Lies Come Out Your Mouth)...
© @Qa'id Muhammad