

Delhi Story Series Part II
Delhi Story Series Part II: Fan Meet 2.0

With just 2 days left in hand, I made a call asking for an appointment with big poetess Mansi Paul. Fortunately she was free the next evening and said she can spare some time for her little fan.

It was almost an hour of travel in metro from where I was staying. I started early. My search for cars in Delhi had been pretty disappointing so far. I decided to go to the last toy-store I knew of. I reached there and by the blessings of the poetess, I found 3 of the cars I was looking for. I was so happy. I went to the nearest metro and set out towards my destination.

I stepped foot in South Delhi by 5:45 pm. The way people talk about South Delhi, I thought it wasn't a part of the world we are familiar with. But I didn't find many differences.

Punctuality matters when you are dealing with celebs. We were supposed to meet at 6:00 pm. I called to inform her that I have reached. Minutes passed, hours passed, she didn't come. I was starting to worry. This was my only chance of meeting her. This was my golden opportunity. After almost 50 minutes of wait she came. She didn't look as scary for a person who deals with ghosts. Didn't I mention? She is friends with ghosts, real ghosts and at times writes ghost stories too. We talked for some time and she gave me an autograph and then she gave me chocolates ♡. Kitkat is one of my favorites! And a Dairymilk. Woohoo! I don't know if I was more happy about finding the cars, meeting her or getting chocolates but yes, I was on cloud nine. Mr. Sun was going away, I decided to tag along, bid her farewell and left for the Metro.


© TheMaskedIdiot