

My long lost memory
That time, I was in standard 2 and I was 7 years old.

It had been a bad day ,and I was bored, tired and frustrated .It was dispersal time, my father was late to pick me up from school .Actually, he was too late to pick me up.

The bell rang as it was the shift of senior students and through the large main gate came in a huge crowd of parents with their children. I was sitting on the staircases beside the main gate. I sighed as my eyes shot down,but after some time ,in between the crowd I noticed a familiar man standing and it was my dad!

I ran up to him,he opened his arms to hug me,but the first thing I did was to punch him in the stomach. He picked me up and went up to the parking lot ,to his motorbike.

"I won't be able to drop you home cuz I am having an important meeting" He said.

"So can I go with you to your office?" I was really excited to visit his office. But unfortunately he replied with a plain no.

"He will drop you home "he said addressing to my friend's father .At that time I was confused about to be happy or sad.But anyways, I had to go with them.

"Come here sit down and hold on tight" my friend said .I got on the bike ,behind him.

While on our way, we stopped at a pastry shop or a little cafe (I don't remember properly)
Well after that I was really excited because I never went out with my friends at that age.We sat on a table near the window, his father ordered a pastry and some drinks for us and then he went out saying that they had to take an urgent call.

We were talking continuously, without taking a break and taking big bites .We were literally eating like animals and he told me about his day ,his studies and some silly stuff. (what do you think children of 6 and 7 years can talk about?,some silly things and I want to go back in time and give my young version a slap before she could vomit out the uselessness) .

"Maybe we should hang out more often" he said . I gulped down my last bite of pastry and replied with a nod as I was not sure what to say.

And you know what happened!!!!!????..........

His father came back and we went home.

----------Erum Ahmad