

While You Work
Rather than worry, I tend to force myself to do the things I CAN control like dishes, laundry, etc and it is this "productive stirring" that pushes me to do things I've put off for days. Is that a bad thing to become productive when you're stressed or concerned about things, no, but can you have any peace when you find yourself still? My answer to that question for so long has been, "no".
Now, when I feel that pressure on all sides I still am productive in chores, but I have started to pray or praise while I wash, pray while I fold, sweep, dust, etc. It has caused such breakthrough in my mind, and then after the productive day has come to an end and I find myself still, I can fully rest in God's peace because I've fellowshipped with Him the entrie day rather than fellowshipped with the worrisome thought patterns.

Choose for your mind to be filled by God's word, praise Him, and don't become filled with worry and fear. Fellowship while you work. Rest in that peace.

Just wanted to share my breakthrough moment with yall, for iron sharpens iron, so one man or woman sharpens another.
© shesmilesbig