

Crazy Roommates
Season1 Episode10(a scene from it)
Scene 1: TJ walks into the kitchen with a shot glass in his hand. He lifted the sink covers to find dirty dishes. With a flush if red coming to his cheeks he then walks over and stands two ft from Danny's bedroom door. He then throws the shot glass at the door shattering it to peices.
"What the f*** was that?!" Danny said with aggravation as he opened the door to find the glass shards in from of him.
"I'm done!" TJ yells as he goes to leave the apartment with his duffle bag full of exercise equipment.
"What happened?"
TJ stops in his track and spins around the face Danny. He points to the sink and says: "You didn't do the dishes.... again."
"So you throw a tantrum by throwing your shot glass at my bedroom door? The door did nothing to you! It's not a big deal anyway."
"This isn't the first time you didn't do the dishes like you were supposed to. You have not done the dishes once since you got here."
"Its just dishes. No reason to act like this. It isn't this important."
"Oh but using your fine lead mechanical pencil to write is?" TJ walks closer to Danny staring him with his cold ice blue eyes.
"That is completely different!"
"Is it though? You care about a fancy "art" pencil. But yet I'm not allowed to care about a clean apartment?"
"Why are you making such a big fuss over this?"
"Well maybe if you knew me at all you'd be able to answer that."
"You won't talk about you and your past!"
"You don't need to know about someone's past in order to know them. Just two weeks ago you told Tony that if I have a melt down it's because of something important. Why is this any different?"
(I have only been working on this for a week. Sorry for any grammatical errors or spelling issues. Give me your honest opinions no matter how brutal. Thank you!)