

These thoughts came in flooding
Crackling like dry grass on fire.
Rattling like chariots
As in the book of Joel:
Rushing against the City
Running over walls
Climbing the houses
Getting in through the windows like thieves.

My heart bleeds for you dear brother.
Your mother despises you.
A glance at you, disgust immediately choke her puke out in profuse.
Grief evident all over her face when thinking about you.

She regrets carrying you to term.
Whenever your name is mentioned Hot red tears escape her eyes just like the pus of a septic wound.

She gave you a new name:
Loser, failure, non-achiever, nothing.
On her eyes you are a failure
But the question is what wrong did you do to dear mom.
Boy, you don't live up to her expectations!!

You cry, "mom, it's me your son, what have I done?"
She say, go away. You dont belong.
To her you are dead.

The worst demon to bear creeps in, guilt.
It strungles you from the inside.
Twisted and mangled like a disregarded wrapping
Strewn across a bare floor.
It shapes you into a devoid man.

Agreessive goose-grey and metal towers of blame encroach
Just to suffocate your impulse
You can't descern.

A rat called depression finds home inside of you my brother.
Eating at your innards.
The pain goes up your throat
You choke on your tears of blood.

Eyes closing up as feel darkness closing in.
The screaming demons which are now your friend bring about dark comfort.
Darkness is all you.

You drink your sorrows away.
Puff and pass your disgrace.
Prostitute your perceived uselessness.
Coccain is no longer effective.
You contemplate suicide.

Wisdom climbs up to the highest point at the crossroads shouting :
Trust in the Lord with all your heart.
Lean not on your understanding.
Submit to him and he will make your paths straight.

You stubborn and careless.
You been broken for too long.

He commands his angels concerning you. They uproot breeding demons inside your spirit. You trample on great lion and serpent.
Wisdom, understanding and insight flood your Inner and they dwell in you forever.

You are free from your distress
There you are, a new creature
Regained all that was lost.