

Dear Marine
I always wondered what marine thought of me.
It was the first time in life that I started caring what someone else thought of me in that elite school. I, who was shunned by my classmates for having poor grades. They all are elite, study like their life depend upon it and teachers favor them like their own son's/daughter.

I got into this elite school because my parents told me expnesive and high society schools mean better, prosperous future. I believed the desires they poured on me. I studied hard, I got an scholorship. But I found it hard to keep up with these elites. I'm almost at my limit, I can't keep up with their fakeness, their several faces, their antics anymore.

Teacher talk with smiles in front of me, unable to hide the mockery in their eyes. I will most likely be dismissed from the school during coming months, but that time didn't come....

I met with Marine.
She's an angel.
She's a bright light that engulfs my cold and scared self with warmth, with courage.

She protects me when one of those elites try to harass me. She eats with me during lunchtime. She walks home with me. She helps me with my homework. She doesn't lie to me. She's blunt and honest with me. She promised to stay with me forever.

I think I like Marine.
'Like' is the only word I can describe this feeling as.
This feeling....These emotions...it's my first time experiencing them. These thoughts, my body, OH MARINE!!!.....what a sinful woman I am.

I can't let Marine find out about these feelings, even lord won't forgive me for my sins but my body doesn't listen to me. Leting Marine see such distastful me, such disgraceful woman, I could never commit crime more offensive than this.

I can't afford to have Marine leave me, without her I would go back to that dark place. I need to keep her with me forever. If only there was a way to tie Marine to me....if only there was a way to......


They are almost here Marine. Hey marine...haahhhh...
Nowadays Marine doesn't talk.
Marine just stares at me the whole time.
She just keeps looking up at me with her warm eyes and open mouth. She doesn't walk, she doesn't eat or shower, Marine just stares at me.
Her eyes looking up to me from my waist.
I feel something cold wrap around my wrists, I see....they are here.

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