


Accepting what is; doesn't mean you agree with what's happening. Know that and belive that

Acceptance is about allowing what’s out of your control to just be. Some things we have no control over let it be and let things fall in place the way it should be.

When you give your emotional power over to every circumstance that occurs in your life, your mindset weakens. It takes away your time and energy on things that should be of better use to you and your time.

We think because we’re good people or we work hard or we want something bad enough that it’s just going to happen for us. Things always have a way of working out as it should not matter what we do.

Success and happiness are reserved for the willing not the wanting. Do what has to be done no mater how long it takes some day you will get the rewards and success you deserve.

The world owes you nothing.If you ever think the world owes your something, then think again and wake up to the reality that no one owes you and certainly not the world.

Remember this the nest thing you decide to complain or make excuses for not being where you think your should be.

Omatee Ann Marie Hansraj
Motivational Author/Poet/Novelist
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© Annmariewrites.com