

Part-28 Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gayi
Hey dear readers how are y'all...
Hope you are doing well ♥️
Here I am back with the New Part of Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gayi...
Happy Reading 📚♥️

In the previous part - 📑🖋️📚
Avantika was fed up of Rohan's persistence and struggled with how to break free from his control without endangering herself and Ishaan. Disturbed by a haunting dream and sleepless night, she confides in her friend Naina but remains resolute in handling Rohan alone. Despite Naina's advice to involve Ishaan, Avantika chooses to face Rohan's threats head-on, hoping to end things without escalating the situation.She got a call from Rohan , forcing her to meet him.


As soon as Avantika hung up on Rohan, tears began to flow from her eyes. In a hurry, she grabbed her bag and left the office. Just as she was leaving, she received a call from Ishaan. She knew she wasn’t in the right state of mind to talk to him, so she declined the call and sent a message: “In a meeting, talk to you later.”

Ishaan read her message and became a bit puzzled. Earlier in the morning, Avantika had also cut their conversation short, and now this message. Despite how busy she might be, she never behaved this way. His instinct told him that something was amiss and that she was hiding something from him. He thought of calling her again but realized that maybe she didn’t want to share her problem with him right now, so he let it go.

He decided it would be better to meet Avantika in person. Perhaps face-to-face, she might tell him what was going on. His work at the court was finished, so he explained the remaining tasks to his associate and headed towards her office.

Meanwhile, as soon as Naina finished her work, she headed towards Avantika’s cabin. She knocked on the door, but there was no response. After knocking again and still not getting a response, she opened the door and went inside. But Avantika wasn’t there. Seeing the empty cabin, Naina was shocked. She realized that Avantika must have gone to meet Rohan.

“What should I do with this girl? I told her not to meet Rohan alone, but she never listens to me,” Naina said to herself,angrily. She took out her phone to call Avantika but then saw Ishaan approaching the cabin. “Shit… Ishaan is here now…!! How do I explain this to him?” Naina thought to herself.

Ishaan entered the cabin and was a bit surprised to see Naina alone.

Naina: (Trying to sound normal) Hey Ishaan… you’re here??
Ishaan: (Trying to read her face) Hello Naina… I was thinking the same… you’re here?
Naina: What do you mean? I’m in my office, right?
Ishaan: (Smiling) But as far as I remember, this is Avantika’s cabin, right?
Naina: (Stammering) Yes… well… I came to meet her, but maybe she’s in the washroom….
Ishaan: Really? Then it’s okay, I’ll wait for her.
Naina: (Afraid of her lie being caught) Actually, I just remembered she told me she has an important meeting… yes… yes, she’s busy with that. I don’t know when she’ll be back, so you can meet her later.
Ishaan: (Knowing what Naina was up to) No problem… I’m free anyway. I’ll wait here until her meeting is over.
Naina: You don’t understand, Ishaan… she won’t be able to meet you today…
Ishaan: The thing is that neither you nor Avantika understands… both of you keep lying to me. For God’s sake… tell me where she is?
Naina: Sorry, Ishaan… but I can’t. I promised her.
Ishaan: (Trying his best to control his anger) Naina… try to understand, this isn’t the time for all this.
Naina: I so want to… but Ishaan, she made me promise her…
Ishaan: (Screaming with all his might) To hell with your promise… right now, I don’t give a shit about anything. Just tell me where Avantika is?
Naina: (Finding no other way) She… she went to meet Rohan…

And with that, Naina told Ishaan everything about Rohan’s phone call and Avantika’s decision not to break up with him.
Ishaan: (Unable to think of what to say) Do you both understand what you’re doing? All this seems easy to you?
Naina: Avantika didn’t want to trouble you by involving you in this, that’s why…
Ishaan: And she thought Rohan would understand if she explained it to him?
Naina: But there’s no other way, Ishaan.
Ishaan: There is a way, Naina… there is. If Avantika had talked to me once.
Naina: Really…? You mean we can force Rohan to break up with her? But how (she asked in one breath)
Ishaan: I’m sure we can… but now’s not the time to explain. We need to reach Avantika as soon as possible. Do you know where she is?
Naina: She only told me that she was going to meet Rohan at some café.
Ishaan: Then call her and ask, but don’t tell her that I know all this yet.

Naina called Avantika immediately...

Naina: Avi… where the hell are you? How could you leave without telling me?
Avantika: (In a dull voice) I’m going to meet Rohan.
Naina: You never listen to me… okay, tell me where he asked you to meet, I’ll come too.
Avantika: No, Nainz… I can handle this, you don’t need to come.
Naina: Please try to understand…
Avantika: Just trust me… everything will be fine.
Naina: If you say so… I won’t come, but at least send me the address. Just in case you know...
Avantika: Okay… I’ll send you the address, but please let me handle it on my own.
Naina: I promise… take care.

Naina hung up the phone and then left with Ishaan, heading towards the address Avantika had given.

© random_kahaniyaan

I hope you are enjoying the story...
Stay tuned for the next part....
Next part is my personal favourite & I promise its going to be one of the best one till now ...

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