

Your Words Are Like Boomerangs
Everyone in this whole world has the habit of criticizing others, even if it's the other way round. We sometimes judge and assume things from our own perspective, which gets us into trouble. Most of the time we use judging others we could have used it watching ourselves and how we could also be judged by others.
You don't judge a book according to its cover, but a lot of us always do and it leads us to a twist in life, kind of a swapping thing. Twists occur in life in different ways. When you judge a person and he / she happens to not be what you think. There is a word called "Manifestation" . It works dangerously and that is why we are thought to always say and think positively but sadly, the world is filled with negativity. Don't go manifesting ill in somebody's life with your negative thoughts because those words of yours can forever damage a soul. Words alone are weapons.
Life is very funny indeed, funny in a way you are thought a great lesson. When you are the type that judges people a lot, a time will come when you will find yourself doing that same thing you judged others about and that time is called "karma".
It will hit you so bad that You'll feel what your victims felt and you'll know that it's your words that are haunting you, and that's how it goes in circle.
You have every rights to exercise as a being except to judge. You are not judges. There is only one fair judge and is the Almighty. Don't take things that don't concern you into your hand. People make choices that they are comfortable with. So do you, Just because your preference doesn't match with theirs, that doesn't give you the right to judge their choice, action and way of reasoning. Everybody is unique in his / her own way, We don't think the same So how can we all act the same? Guiding a person from going astray is different from backbiting them. There's still a way out of this circle. The world needs positivity not negativity.
© Mary Abdullah